Drone.io Brings Cloud Native CI/CD to the Microsoft Windows Server Community of Developers

Today Drone.io, a leading open source cloud native continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD) platform, is providing more choice and modern tools to the Windows community of developers. Now Windows developers have the ability to run CI/CD pipelines on Windows, inside Windows containers using Drone.io, providing developers a cloud native way to build and test code. Drone.io is removing the red tape associated with legacy continuous delivery solutions and empowering the developer with self-service configuration and automated provisioning of isolated testing environments, freeing up operations teams to focus on higher level tasks.
“Our enterprise customers have been asking for Windows containers support to accelerate development and ship code faster,” said Brad Rydzewski, founder of Drone.io. “As the Windows developer community embraces containers and open source, Drone.io provides the CI/CD platform to push forward enterprise’s delivery of code.”
With 15,000 github stars and a robust community, Drone.io has been at the forefront of how to deploy with containers. The first open source container native CI/CD model, Drone.io has a robust ecosystem of cloud native plug-ins such as Kubernetes, Helm, Github and more, helping developers with their pipelines. By putting the power of deployment in the developer’s hands, Drone.io is empowering developers to quickly fix bugs and deliver new applications to market at an unprecedented rate.
Taylor Brown, Principal Lead Program Manager at Microsoft Corp. said, “Drone.io’s support for Windows Server provides a common container native CI/CD pipeline for both Linux and Windows containers and for our hybrid cloud customers. Drone.io’s on-premise and cloud deployment models also provide common tooling regardless of where their app and infrastructure is deployed today or tomorrow.”
Available via open source, Drone.io also offers an enterprise on-prem edition and is in private beta for a managed hosted offering. For those interested in using Drone.io with Microsoft Windows Server, please see our quick start guide.